MCQ on Physical Development of Child

Q1 Physical development in children primarily includes the development of:

A. Motor skills

B. Cognitive abilities

C. Emotional skills

D. Language skills

Answer: A. Motor skills

Q2 At approximately what age do most children begin to walk independently?

A. 6-9 months

B. 12-15 months

C. 18-24 months

D. 2-3 years

Answer: B. 12-15 months

Q3 Fine motor skills primarily involve the use of:

A. Arms and legs

B. Hands and fingers

C. The whole body

D. The torso

Answer: B. Hands and fingers

Q4 The period of rapid physical growth and development in adolescence is known as:

A. Childhood

B. Puberty

C. Adolescence

D. Adulthood

Answer: B. Puberty

Q5 The ability to coordinate the movements of small muscles in synchronization with the eyes is known as:

A. Gross motor skills

B. Fine motor skills

C. Hand-eye coordination

D. Spatial awareness

Answer: C. Hand-eye coordination

Q6 Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences physical development in children?

A. Genetics

B. Nutrition

C. Parenting style

D. Physical activity

Answer: C. Parenting style

Q7 What is the term for a child’s ability to move around and interact with their surroundings?

A. Gross motor skills

B. Physical development

C. Cognitive development

D. Emotional development

Answer: A. Gross motor skills

Q8 Which of the following is a gross motor skill?

A. Writing

B. Running

C. Buttoning a shirt

D. Cutting with scissors

Answer: B. Running

Q9 At what age do children typically start to show hand preference, either as right-handed or left-handed?

A. 1-2 years

B. 3-4 years

C. 5-6 years

D. 7-8 years

Answer: B. 3-4 years

Q10 In the first year of life, the most significant area of physical development is:

A. Gross motor skills

B. Fine motor skills

C. The ability to talk

D. The ability to walk

Answer: A. Gross motor skills

Q11 The ability to catch a ball is typically developed by:

A. 2-3 years

B. 4-5 years

C. 6-7 years

D. 8-9 years

Answer: B. 4-5 years

Q12 The ability to tie shoelaces is an example of:

A. Gross motor skills

B. Fine motor skills

C. Hand-eye coordination

D. Physical activity

Answer: B. Fine motor skills

Q13 At what age can children typically hop on one foot?

A. 2-3 years

B. 4-5 years

C. 6-7 years

D. 8-9 years

Answer: B. 4-5 years

Q14 What is the sequence of motor skill development in children?

A. Proximodistal – from the center of the body outward

B. Distalproximal – from the outer parts of the body inward

C. Cephalocaudal – from the head downward

D. Both A and C

Answer: D. Both A and C

Q15 Physical development during adolescence is mainly characterized by:

A. Slowed growth

B. Rapid growth

C. Steady growth

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Rapid growth

Q16 The process by which a child gains control over their body, beginning at the head and moving down, is known as:

A. Proximodistal development

B. Cephalocaudal development

C. Hand-eye coordination

D. Fine motor skills

Answer: B. Cephalocaudal development

Q17 By the age of 2, a child’s weight has typically:

A. Doubled from birth

B. Tripled from birth

C. Quadrupled from birth

D. Remained the same

Answer: B. Tripled from birth

Q18 Children typically have all of their primary teeth by the age of:

A. 1 year B.

2 years

C. 3 years

D. 4 years

Answer: C. 3 years

Q19 A major milestone in physical development for a child aged 2-3 years is:

A. Running without falling

B. Jumping with both feet together

C. Riding a tricycle

D. Writing their name

Answer: A. Running without falling

Q20 Pincer grip development, the ability to grasp small objects with the thumb and index finger, typically develops around:

A. 3-4 months

B. 6-9 months

C. 12-15 months

D. 18-24 months

Answer: B. 6-9 months

Q21 According to Jean Piaget, children aged 2-7 are in which stage of cognitive development that closely links to physical development?

A. Sensory motor

B. Pre operational

C. Concrete operational

D. Formal operational

Answer: B. Pre Qoperational

Q22 The understanding that an object continues to exist even when it cannot be seen is known as:

A. Object permanence

B. Conservation

C. Egocentrism

D. Reversibility

Answer: A. Object permanence

Q23 The ability to climb stairs using alternating feet usually develops around the age of:

A. 2 years

B. 3 years

C. 4 years

D. 5 years

Answer: B. 3 years

Q24 Growth spurts in boys typically occur between the ages of:

A. 10-12

B. 12-15

C. 14-16

D. 16-18

Answer: B. 12-15

Q24 During which life stage does physical development typically slow down?

A. Infancy

B. Early childhood

C. Middle childhood

D. Adolescence

Answer: C. Middle childhood

Q25 What is one of the final gross motor skills to develop in early childhood?

A. Walking

B. Jumping

C. Riding a tricycle

D. Catching a ball

Answer: D. Catching a ball

Q26 Which part of the brain is responsible for motor control and coordination?

A. Frontal lobe

B. Parietal lobe

C. Occipital lobe

D. Cerebellum

Answer: D. Cerebellum

Q27 Which of the following activities can promote physical development in children?

A. Reading a book

B. Drawing a picture

C. Playing outdoor games

D. Watching television

Answer: C. Playing outdoor games

Q28 In children, the ability to balance improves significantly at around:

A. 1-2 years

B. 3-4 years

C. 5-6 years

D. 7-8 years

Answer: B. 3-4 years

Q29 By the age of 6, children have approximately ____% of their adult height.

A. 50

B. 60

C. 70

D. 80

Answer: B. 60