MCQ on Venus Planet

1. What is the average surface temperature of Venus?

A. 400°C

B. 50°C

C. -50°C

D. -400°C

Answer: A

2. What is the diameter of Venus?

A. 12,742 km

B. 6,371 km

C. 22,000 km

D. 1,000 km

Answer: A

3. How long does it take for Venus to complete one orbit around the sun?

A. 88 days

B. 225 days

C. 365 days

D. 687 days

Answer: B

4. What is the atmosphere of Venus primarily composed of?

A. Nitrogen

B. Oxygen

C. Carbon dioxide

D. Methane

Answer: C

5. What is the name of the largest volcano on Venus?

A. Olympus Mons

B. Maat Mons

C. Mount Everest

D. Mount Fuji

Answer: B

6. What is the name of the spacecraft that first landed on Venus in 1970?

A. Pioneer 10

B. Venera 7

C. Voyager 1

D. Mariner 9

Answer: B

7. What is the length of a day on Venus?

A. 24 hours

B. 243 Earth days

C. 365 Earth days

D. 687 Earth days

Answer: B

8. What is the highest mountain on Venus?

A. Olympus Mons

B. Maat Mons

C. Maxwell Montes

D. Arsia Mons

Answer: C

9. What is the surface of Venus primarily composed of?

A. Water

B. Rocks

C. Ice

D. Sand

Answer: B

10. What is the name of the phenomenon on Venus that creates the appearance of bright spots on the surface?

A. Volcanic eruptions

B. Lightning

C. Auroras

D. Reflective clouds

Answer: D